Saturday, May 31, 2008

Green Carpet

Green Carpet
Species seen:

  • Neurothemis fluctuans
  • Orthetrum chrysis
  • Brachydiplex chalibea
  • Crocothemis sevilla
  • Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis
  • Tyriobapta torrida
  • Rhodothemis rufa
  • Orchithemis pulcherima
  • Nanophya pygmea

  • Epophtalmia vittigera

  • Gomphidae

  • Macrogomphus quadratus

  • Zygoptera--Damselflies

  • Ceriagrion cerinorubellum
  • Pseudagrion microcephellum

  • Protoneuridae

  • Prodasineura collaris

  • Chlorocyphidae

  • Libellago hyalina

  • Calopterygidae

  • Vestalis amoena/amethystine

  • Euphaeidae

  • Euphaea impar

  • Platystictidae

  • Drepanosticta quadrata

  • Yesterday morning, Dad brough my brother and I to "Green Carpet". Green Carpet is a primary forest, with several freshwater streams and ponds, and some muddy patches.
    It was around 9 o'clock in the morning and it was a sunny day, so we had almost perfect condition for watching odonata.

    We saw a red Orchithemis pulcherima near the last pond. Orchithemis pulcherima has several different forms, other than the red form. There is one form which makes it hard to be differentiated from the Orchithemis pruinans, a black-white-black plumage.

    The dark purple mature Libellago hyalina might be a rare species, but it sure is abundant around the muddy patches after the third stream. We spotted about 5 perching on twigs, and my brother and I had a fun time trying to catch them with our hands, in fact, my brother succeeded in getting one to perch on his nose. (: The immature hyalina is a bright yellow with a purple tinge at the end of its abdomen. Yesterday, however, we only saw the purple ones with some yellow markings. We also observed one with a silvery-blue tinge.

    Drepanosticta quadrata is a species of damselfly thought to be endemic to Singapore till recent years when it was discovered in southern Johor, the tip of Malaysia nearest to Singapore. It had black and white stripes along its abodomen and thorax, and although it is endemic to this small area, it is quite commonly found in Singapore forests.

    Nanophya pygmea is one of the smallest dragonflies on Earth. It is a delicate and fast little red (for male, yellow for female) demon whose habits include occasional territory flights. It is indeed a sight to see the small creatures with their perfectly made body parts. We were rewarded yesterday by seeing two males fight for a piece of the pond near the third stream.

    The best part of the day was when we saw the 2 Macrogomphus quadratus-es. The first was perching on a twig, and after we walked on for a bit, we saw a second one (or maybe it was the same one) flying about.

    We also found a species we could not identify but we believe to be Idionyx yolanea. It was a brown dragonfly with yellow hind legs and some yellow stripes on the sides of its thorax. We estimated the hind wing to be from 25 to 30 mm.

    We also saw a Common Tree Nymph flying around below the canopies. It is a rather large black and white butterfly, moving about in a graceful, kinda floppy flight. We also observed some huge scarab beetles around some flowering plants.

    It was a good day, with a good catch!

    Saturday, May 24, 2008

    Venus' Mirror

    Venus' Mirror

    Species seen:
  • Neurothemis flactuans (Male and Female)
  • Zyxomma petiolatum (Male and Female)
  • Brachydiplax chalybea (Male)

  • Zygoptera--Damselflies
  • Agriocnemis femina
  • Onychargia rufusens

  • Megapodagrionidae
  • Podolestes orientalis

  • Yesterday evening, I went to Venus' Mirror with my dad, my brother, the two Mr. Tang-s, and Robin from N Parks. It was around 6:30pm, and we were there to try and catch the rare Aeshnidae that Mr. Tang Junior had seen there before.
    We arrived there just as the light was getting dim. Walking in to the pond, Mr. Tang told us that it was maintained by an elderly man who sold the aquatic plants he grew there to aquariums. That was why there were planks across the surface of the pond.
    When we reached the pond, many Zyxomma petiolatum were zooming across the water surface. There were some mating, but most were just catching other insects. Zyxomma petiolatum are extremely thin black dragonflies.
    There were several Neurothemis flactuans also, and a solitary Brachydiplax chalybea.
    Nearing dusk, we saw several huge dragonflies flying around very fast, but were unable to identify them.
    We also saw an Onychargia rufusens (I'm not sure about the spelling, and I'm not sure if it was rufusens, but that's what Mr. Tang said it was). It was black with a purplish tinge across the thorax and head.
    We were rewarded with a beautiful firefly with a blue light, which was the grand finale of the night before we went home. Venus' Mirror is very pretty, and its definitely worth another visit.
    -actually the name (venus' mirror) is a very obvious clue-