Sunday, January 18, 2009

Dairy Farm 2 (stream + Paragomphus spot)

Dairy Farm stream
Species seen:
  • Gynacantha basiguttata / Gynacantha demeter / Gynacantha dohrni

  • Gomphidae
  • Paragomphus capricornis

  • Libellulidae
  • Agrionoptera sexlineata
  • Neurothemis flactuans
  • Orthetrum Chrysis
  • Tholymis tillarga

  • Zygoptera--Damselflies
  • Devadatta argyoides

  • Coenagrionidae
  • Pericnemis stictica

  • Platycnemidae
  • Copera marginipes

  • Protoneuridae
  • Prodasineura notostigma

  • We went to a sandy-based stream near the possible breeding spot of Paragomphus capricornis we found two posts back. The above list comprises of all that we saw (with the exception of the capricornis which we then saw when we visited the possible breeding spot afterwards).

    We first walked downstream. The time was about 9:15am, and there wasn't a lot of Odonata about. However, we saw two red crabs mating. We also spotted a resting Tholymis tillarga, which is a crepuscular species (comes out at dawn and dusk).
    Quite a few all black Devadatta argyoides were spotted. Their wings are edged at the tip with a black band.
    Later on, on our trek back upstream, we spotted the Pericnemis stictica, which is a very large species of damselfly, in fact, the largest damselfly in Singapore.
    We then saw a male Agrionoptera sexlineata. The female can be differentiated from the male by the bands on the tail. The female has yellow bands while the male has red ones.
    Dad and my brother later spotted the Gynacantha species flying about, but unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to track it.

    We spotted the capricornis again this time, however, it did not stay as long as it did last week.
    We also spotted an Gynacantha species, either basiguttata, demeter or dohrni, ovipositing at a muddy bank there. It flew back and forth between 3 spots, laying its eggs systematically. When disturbed by my brother, it flew around the area before returning to its first spot. I was amazed because there was a limited amount of water there. The tiny stream, if it could be called that, was only about 1cm deep and not very clear.

    An interesting trip indeed!

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